Peacock is a streaming platform launched by Comcast's Universal Filmed Entertainment Group and NBCUniversal in 2020. It provides on-demand videos of TV shows, movies, sports, news, and reality series. It also hosts exclusive original programming."
Verify if this transaction is fraud in 30 seconds
Download the SimplyWise app and connect your email account. SimplyWise will search through your emails and find all the receipts in your inbox. This allows you to understand what exactly you are paying for when you see a bank transaction on your statement.
Connect to your bank account/credit card transactions through the secure (256 bit encryption) Reconciliation feature within the app.
Reconcile the charges reported by your financial institution against what you've recorded in your SimplyWise account. Find fraud quickly! SimplyWise will match your transactions to your bank/credit card spending and check those items off.
Denise Dudley
This 30 Rockefeller plaza is taking money from my account saying that they are from peacock but peacock is also taking money from my account they are double dipping they need to stop.