Is "AMERICO INS CO'S INS PMT PPD ID: 1350810610" fraud?

Written by Aiden Lee

June 18th, 2024

Medium Risk

What is "AMERICO INS CO'S INS PMT PPD ID: 1350810610"?

Americo Insurance Company has been in business since 1946. The company offers a range of insurance products including life insurance, health insurance, and annuity products. Americo's offerings cater to individual and family insurance needs, providing coverage options and financial planning tools. The company operates through a network of independent agents and aims to serve a variety of customer segments.

  • AMERICO: Company or entity name (Americo Insurance)
  • INS CO'S: Abbreviation for "Insurance Company's"
  • INS PMT: Insurance Payment
  • PPD: Prearranged Payment and Deposit
  • ID: Identification number
  • 1350810610: Unique transaction or account identifier
  • Verify if this transaction is fraud in 30 seconds

    Verify With Receipt

    The best way to tell if this charge is fraudulent is to find the receipt. You may have an electronic copy of the receipt, which you can finding by searching in your email accounts for.
    Or, if you want to automatically find and reconcile receipts so you never worry about fraud, you can use SimplyWise to automatically match all bank and credit card transactions to email and paper receipts. The app instantly reconciles your expenses and flags anything that doesn't match.

    STEP 1

    Connect your Email

    Download the SimplyWise app and connect your email account. SimplyWise will search through your emails and find all the receipts in your inbox. This allows you to understand what exactly you are paying for when you see a bank transaction on your statement.

    STEP 2

    Connect Your Bank

    Connect to your bank account/credit card transactions through the secure (256 bit encryption) Reconciliation feature within the app.

    STEP 3


    Reconcile the charges reported by your financial institution against what you've recorded in your SimplyWise account. Find fraud quickly! SimplyWise will match your transactions to your bank/credit card spending and check those items off.

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